Search results matching any of these keywords - 13749 images

Abraham, East Window, fourteenth century, Exeter Cathedral, Devon, England Elijah in the chariot, thirteenth century Bible Window, Corona Chapel, Canterbury Cathedral, Kent, England Enoch praying, and transported to Heaven, thirteenth century, Chapel of Saints and Martyrs of our time, Canterbury Cathedral, Kent, England Jonah vomited up by the whale, thirteenth century, Chapel of Saints and Martyrs of our time, Canterbury Cathedral, Kent, England Jonah and the whale, thirteenth century panel in the Corona Chapel, Canterbury Cathedral, Kent, England Daniel in the lions
1374-10-23 1448-3-28 1449-7-28 1450-3-28 1454-5-28 1455-8-28
Joseph in the pit, thirteenth century Bible window, Corona Chapel, Canterbury Cathedral, Kent, England Jonah and the whale, thirteenth century Bible window, Corona Chapel, Canterbury Cathedral, Kent, England Moses strikes the rock, thirteenth century, Chapel of Saints and Martyrs of our time, Canterbury Cathedral, Kent, England Seven fat kine eaten by seven lean kine, detail from 1210 Joseph window, Chartres Cathedral, France Joseph and his Brethren, panel 29, thirteenth century, Poor Man King Jeroboam
1456-5-20 1456-6-28 1477-3-29 FR828-5-26 1521-4-33 1524-7-33
King Jeroboam Balaam and the ass, panel 37, thirteenth century, Poor Man Balaam prophesying, panel in window 24, twentieth century, St Edmundsbury Cathedral, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, England Moses striking the rock, detail from window 28, twentieth century, St Edmundsbury Cathedral, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, England Manna from Heaven, detail from window 26, twentieth century, St Edmundsbury Cathedral, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, England Jacob
1525-5-33 1526-10-33 1589-7-38 1592-3-38 1592-7-38 FR1026-3-36
Aaron, panel in window 27, twentieth century, St Edmundsbury Cathedral,  Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, England The Lady Chapel, Exeter Cathedral, Devon, England East window, fourteenth century, Lady Chapel, Exeter Cathedral, Devon, England St Philip, apostle, nineteenth century, Magdalen College Chapel, Oxford, England Elisha and the mocking children, fifteenth century, Lady Chapel, Exeter Cathedral, Devon, England Samson and the gates of Gaza, fifteenth century, Lady Chapel, Exeter Cathedral, Devon, England
1596-2-38 1650-7-40 1651-2-40 017-26-71 1653-3-40 1653-8-40
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